What You Need To Know About Fleas, Ticks, Your Pet, And How Veterinarians Can Help

Posted on: 20 April 2022


Does your pet need flea and tick control? The warmer weather means an increase in flea and tick activity. If your outdoor pet isn't protected against biting insects, take a look at what you need to know about cats, dogs, ticks, fleas, and how veterinarians can help. 

Why Use Flea and Tick Control Products or Medications?

Fleas and ticks are more than just annoying pests. These barely-visible biters can cause problems for your pet, such as:

  • Skin irritation. Itchy flea bites can leave your pet scratching day and night. Constant scratching can wear down your dog or cat's skin and cause sores or wounds. These leave your pet open to an opportunistic infection.

  • Diseases. Wound-related infections aren't the only illnesses biting insects can cause. Ticks can cause tularemia, ehrlichiosis, and other diseases in domesticated pets. 

  • Whole-home infestations. Your dog or cat can unknowingly carry one of these biting pests into your house. A hitchhiking flea or tick can start a whole-home invasion. This can result in additional bites and continued pet health problems.

Flea control products and medications can prevent pests from biting your pets or making your dog/cat's fur their home. This reduces the risks and eliminates irritating bite-related issues. 

Should You Visit the Pet Hospital for Flea and Tick Products?

You've seen over-the-counter (OTC) flea and tick control medications at the local pet store or online. Should you buy one of these options—or visit the vet's office before selecting a product for your pet? 

Even though you could buy an OTC medication, you should start at the vet—especially if it's your first time buying/using flea and tick control. The vet can:

  • Explain the options. Should you choose a collar, behind-the-neck drop, a pill, or another type of flea and tick control? If you're not sure which option is the best choice for your dog or cat, a veterinarian can explain the pros and cons of each medication.

  • Weigh your pet. You will need to know how much your pet weighs before you give them a neck drop or pill type of flea/tick control. The vet can weigh your dog or cat, making it possible to choose the correct medication dosage.

  • Provide you with instructions for use. How should you apply the medication? How often does your pet need a new dose of flea/tick control? The vet can give you instructions for use during an office appointment.

Is your pet itchy and scratching? Have you seen fleas or ticks in your yard? Don't wait to get help. Even though a pre-summer treatment can prevent bites before the problem starts, your pet can still benefit from flea/tick control after you notice an issue.