How To Reduce Aggression In Cats

Posted on: 26 July 2018


It's normal for cats in a multi-cat household to lash out on occasion or to play-fight, but if they're constantly fighting, that's not good. You can prevent this from happening by making a few small changes to your home. Consider these tips if you're tired of your cats constantly fighting.

Spay or Neuter

If your cats aren't fixed yet, it's time to get it done. Cats who still have their reproductive organs are more likely to be territorial and to fight, especially among male cats. In comparison, cats who are fixed are often completely peaceful and affectionate with each other.

Spaying or neutering also protects your cat from a host of illnesses, including certain types of cancer. If you don't intend to breed your cats together, there's really no reason to not have them fixed at a pet hospital, so give this tip a try.


Many companies now produce pheromone products for cats. These products contain a hormone similar to one that cats who have recently given birth. When a mother cat emits these hormones, they soothe her kittens and help to keep them calm. The same effect continues into adulthood, so exposing your cat to these pheromones may help to keep them from fighting.

The type of product you use depends upon your personal choice. They're sold as collars, but if your cats don't wear them or like them, you can also pick up a room diffuser.


Finally, consider whether or not the cats outside your home are creating a violent reaction inside your home. Feral cats outdoors can emit hormones that can elicit territorial responses and anxiety in all cats, including your indoor ones. If a feral cat has been around and sprayed your home, your cat may feel as though its territory is being invaded. As a result, they may lash out against any cat that they feel is part of that invasion.

Feral cats can be taken care of by engaging in something called trap and release. This is where you capture the cat, take it to a vet to be neutered or spayed, and then release it back into your neighborhood. The kitty will be able to continue living without emitting hormones that will rile up your cats, and they may also live a longer life themselves as they won't be constantly fighting over territory and mating rights.

Cats can get along well with each other if you just know what to do. If your cats still exhibit violent behavior, consider consulting with a vet. It may indicate that your cat has a medical condition that's making them irritable, like a bad tooth that needs extracting.