Roberto Andrews

  • Ways That Your Vet Will Help A Rabbit's Snuffles

    When your pet rabbit sneezes, it's easy to think that this sound is cute. However, if the sneezing persists, it may be an indicator of a serious health issue. Frequent sneezing is one of the symptoms of snuffles, which is an ailment that can affect a lot of pet rabbits. This condition results from a bacterial infection and has numerous side effects, including sneezing and runny eyes. If you suspect that your pet rabbit has snuffles, you should promptly visit your local veterinarian, as this condition can worsen and become grave without intervention.
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  • Why Get Your Dog Vaccinated?

    If you got a puppy in the last few months, chances are you now are to the point where your new dog has already left their litter and is needing their vaccines. Pet vaccinations are extremely important and in some states, they are even mandatory. In an effort to help you feel more knowledgeable about getting your dog vaccinated, here is some information about the diseases you will be protecting them against.
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  • Wet Food Vs Dry Food: Which Is Better For Your Cat's Health?

    You may have been told at one time that wet food is bad for your cat, while at another time someone else may have told you the same thing about dry food. This has likely left you confused about what is best for your pet. Actually, you may be surprised to know that neither is a bad choice for your cat, though they each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of wet and dry cat food to help you decide what is best for your cat.
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  • Signs Your Dog Has A Urinary Tract Infection

    If your dog's urinary habits have suddenly started to change, you may become concerned, especially if they have also started eating less and drinking more. If so, look for the following signs that your dog may have a urinary tract infection. Frequent Accidents in the House Up until now, your dog may have been consistent in only going to the bathroom outside. However, you may have noticed that they are having frequent accidents in the house, even when they just went outside.
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  • Romping Or Fighting? How To Tell If Your Cats Hate Or Love Each Other At Playtime

    Cats often fight each other in homes, but it's not always a bad sign. Sometimes cats just wrestle for the fun of it, but at other times, it's a serious fight that could have serious consequences for either or both cats. If you're not sure if your cats are literally at each other's throats or are just having a play-fight, read this guide to find out. Why Cats Fight Cats start wrestling when they're just kittens with their siblings.
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  • Do Cats Get Cavities? Symptoms And Treatment For Tooth Resoption

    Believe it or not, cats don't get cavities, or at least they don't get traditional dental caries like humans and many other animals get. Instead, cats get a painful condition called tooth resorption which slowly destroys the tooth. This condition is not uncommon, especially in older cats, and while many people think it's normal aging, it's actually a medical condition. Here are some things you should know about tooth resorption and what you can do to prevent and treat the condition.
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  • 4 Questions To Ask At Your Pet's Next Vet Appointment

    For most pets, seeing a vet for a wellness exam at least once a year is highly recommended. Not only does this annual appointment help you get a better idea of how your pet is doing in terms of overall health and wellness, but these visits also give you the opportunity to speak with a vet and bring up any questions or concerns you may have about your beloved pet's health.
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  • Need A Vacation? How To Prepare Your Emotional Support Dog For An Airline Flight

    If you're preparing for a flight and you'll be bringing your emotional support dog with you, it's crucial that you make preparations for your companion as well. You'll need to take steps to ensure that you avoid problems at the airport and on the plane. Traveling with your emotional support dog can be an enjoyable adventure, but you need to make sure you're prepared. Here are three important steps you'll need to take to make sure your travel plans go off without a hitch.
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  • Choking Or Airway Obstruction In Animals: How To Quickly Help Your Distressed Pet

    Seeing your pet suddenly lurch about or cry out in discomfort or pain is quite distressing, but if you think they're choking or may have something stuck inside their mouth, you need to keep your cool and lend a hand quickly. Your actions could be life-saving, whatever the cause of the emergency may be. 1. Approach Your Pet Cautiously Even if, under normal circumstances, your pet is a very docile creature, you can't predict how they'll react when they feel threatened.
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  • Prevent The Need For More Vet Visits

    If you have a cat or dog, then you want to make sure you do everything in your power to be sure you don't have to take them into the vet for more than their regular exams and shots. The best way for you to do this is to be sure you take all the appropriate steps to keep them healthy. Here are some tips you should follow in order to help your cat and/or dog to remain as safe as possible.
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